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Liverpool Catholic Ramblers

Chairmen and Officers of LCRA

We hope to add more photos and names later - click to enlarge
Our Founder Chairman in 1927
founder member
founder member
Cyril Kelly
Bernard J Manley
Dave Newns
First lady chairman
Three of our Former Chairmen
Gerry Penlington
1962-62 Committee
Eight of our Chairmen at the 80th
List at time of 40th Anniversary
Committee at time of 40th Anniversary
Committee at 50th
Committee at 60th
Committee at 75th
committee 2014-15
Michael McCallen
Chris Dobbin
Bill Potter
Paul Healy
Bernie Doyle
In memory of Chris Scott
In memory of Larry Fagan
In memory of Tony Gilmore
In memory of Peter Atherton
In memory of John Tiernan
Dinner 1967
Dinner 1968
Dinner 1969